Cruising Guide to the Coast of Brazil Part 1

East Coast from Paraiba State to Bahia State

A Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation pilot eBook for the coast of Brazil. Pete Hill has returned to an area which he first visited more than 20 years ago and provides a comprehensive and up to date introduction to Brazil and detailed information about anchorages and harbours along the coast. Each entry is illustrated with full colour sketch charts drawn by the author and many of his photographs. It forms an essential companion for any sailor considering a voyage to Brazil.
The first part covers the NE coast from Cabedelo to the Arquipelago dos Abrolhos and the islands of Sao Pedro & Paul and Fernando de Noronha. It covers the part of the coast where most european yachts will make a landfall.

There is also an EPUB version of the book for use with iBooks and other non Kindle eReader software.

  • Edition: 1st 2014
  • Published: 10 Apr 2014
  • ISBN: 978-0-9527771-4-4
  • 5.00

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Supplements & Updates

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16/08/2018 Brazil Supplement 3 2019

Book Support Files

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 Other Notes on Brazil by Tim Barker
 Other Notes on Brazil by Colin Speedie

Other Editions of this Publication

Cruising Guide to the Coast of Brazil Part 2 1st 2014Kindle formatEnglish
Cruising Guide to the Coast of Brazil Part 3 1st revKindle formatEnglish