Logs & Blogs

Easy Rider by Madeleine Strobel

Madeleine and Stephan Strobel provide well-written logs of their world cruising, with good background information for those planning such an adventure.

The Ocean Sailing Association of Southern Africa (OSASA)

A helpful site for recreational cruisers sailing around the oceans of Southern Africa and in its coastal waters.

Orca Iberica

Information about the population of Orcas off the Spanish Atlantic coast. It includes details of the exclusion zone for yachts around Cape Trafalgar

Imray Live Podcasts

Imray Live interviews and presentations by Pilotage Foundation authors and other experts on a range of nautical topics

Royal Institute of Navigation

The Small Craft Group (SCG) provides information and shares best practices on electronic navigation systems and aids to navigation. Group members share a common desire to navigate efficiently and safely on-board small craft. The group organises regular talks on areas of interest. It has representation on committees of the MCA, Trinity House, Irish Lights and the Northern Lighthouse Board and is recognised by the European Harbour Masters Association and maintains close links with the DfT, RYA and Cruising Association.

A Pacific circuit plus on Brother Wind

Jo Winter is author of the recently published Pilotage Foundation pilot to the South China Sea. After several years cruising around SE Asia the Winters have now reached Vancouver via Japan and the Aleutians in their Island Packet 'Brother Wind' Jo has won numerous prizes for her RCC logs and their blog makes a fascinating read

Cruising Club of America

The CCA and its members contribute to the sport of sailing and history of yachting in many ways. The club makes awards for exceptional passage making, seamanship and literary works. The club organizes and runs the biennial Newport Bermuda Race, and conducts seminars on safety at sea for hundreds of sailors. The Bonnell Cove Foundation makes grants to not-for-profit organizations for projects in safety at sea and environmental protection.

The Sailing Adventures of Tim Barker's Oyster 485 Mina2

Mina2 has crossed both the arctic and antarctic circles and visited many places in between. An inspiring account of what is possible.

Attainable Adventure Cruising

A useful site with numerous technical articles about every aspect of boat preparation and seamanship.


An outstanding site for the blue water sailor featuring every country for cruising in the world, reports, news, resources and publications.

Flying Fish Archives

'Flying Fish' is the OCC journal which includes logs of members cruises to all parts of the world. These accounts are available for download and include much useful pilotage information. It is an essential resource for anyone contemplating a voyage to the remoter parts of the globe.

Cosmic Dancer V

Cosmic Dancer V is a Sweden Yachts 38 in which Clive Woodman has sailed some 35000 miles in the past 8 years. His impeccably presented blogs include much useful pilotage information of areas including W Greenland.

Voyaging with Annie Hill

With links from the blog to navigational notes on Labrador, Greenland, Australia, Equador, Galapagos, St Helena, Panama and Venezuela. Info: click 'Labels' for cruising information.

Iron Bark's Travels

Blog by Trevor Robertson with interesting pilotage information from high latitudes both North and South.

Sunstone: At Home Cruising & Racing

Tom & Vicky Jackson provide well-written logs of their world cruising, with good background information for those planning such an adventure.

Beth & Evans's Home Page

Covering their experiences in Chile, Argentina, Queen Charlotte Sound, Newfoundland, St Helena and Scotland. Info: click 'Favorite Places' for pilotage information.


Berrimilla’s story Alex Whitworth's logs of two circumnavigations and a transit of the North West Passage in his Brolga 33

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