Our Publications
We publish a wide range of guides and pilot books, including those for more remote areas of the world. Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation publications are available to purchase via the Imray and Bloomsbury website.
Baltic & ScandinaviaUK & W EuropeMediterraneanNorth AtlanticSouth AtlanticIndian and Pacific OceansArctic & Northern WatersGeneral publications
Baltic & Scandinavia
UK & W Europe

Atlantic France

Atlantic Spain & Portugal

Channel Islands, Cherbourg Peninsula & North Brittany

Isles of Scilly

South Biscay

The Morbihan West France

Cote Atlantique (French edition)

Espagne Portugal (French edition)

Iles Scilly (French edition)

Cote Cantabrique (French edition)

Costa Atlantica de Espana y Portugal (Spanish edition)

Costa Cantabrica (Spanish edition)

Balearic Islands

The Black Sea

Corsica and North Sardinia (English edition)

Mediterranean Spain
North Africa

A Yachting Pilot for Crete

Baléares (French edition)

Corsica et Nord Sardegna (Italian edition)

Baleari (Italian edition)

Tunisia (Italian edition)
Islas Baleares (Spanish edition)

Costas Del Mediterráneo Español (Spanish edition)
North Atlantic

Atlantic Crossing Guide

Atlantic Islands

CCA Guide to Gulf of St Lawrence

CCA Guide to Labrador

CCA Cruising Guide to Newfoundland

CCA Cruising Guide to Nova Scotia

CCA Essentials Passage Guide to The Viking Route

West Africa

A Cruising Guide to French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana (pdf & EPUB))

Iles de l'Atlantique (French edition)

Handbuch fur den Atlantischen Ozean

Islas Canarias y Archipelago de Madeira (Spanish edition)
South Atlantic


Cape Horn and Antarctic Waters

Falkland Island Shores

Havens and Anchorages

South Atlantic Circuit

Argentina pdf

Cruising Guide to South Orkney

South Africa to the Caribbean

South Atlantic Islands

South Georgia Guide 2005

South Georgia 1995

South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula

South West Africa

Uruguay (PDF)

Cruising Guide to the Coast of Brazil Part 1

Cruising Guide to the Coast of Brazil Part 2

Cruising Guide to the Coast of Brazil Part 3
Indian and Pacific Oceans


Pacific Crossing Guide

South China Sea

Cruising Notes SE Alaska to Vancouver Island

Chagos Archipelago

Fiji Lau Group

Southern California Channel Islands

Western Australian Cruising Guide
Arctic & Northern Waters

Arctic & Northern Waters

Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula to Prince William Sound
Periplus to Northwest Passage

Polar Yacht Guide