Electronic Versions of Pilotage Foundation Books from Imray

Electronic Versions of Pilotage Foundation Books from Imray

PDF versions of many of our pilots are now available for download

Imray now publish PDF versions of most of their pilot guides. These offer the same quality and carefully-checked content as their printed pilot guides, but you can load several onto your phone, tablet or laptop at once to save space in your luggage.

To buy your Imray PDF book, go directly to a digital book store (Google Play Books, etc).
Search by book title. Most book stores offer an option to preview before you buy.

They can be read on a wide range of smartphones, tablets and desktop computers including PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android, Nook, Sony Reader etc.

PDF books are not available via iBooks but Apple users can download a PDF book reader app onto their device.
They are not currently supported for Kindle.

For further information contact ilnw@imray.com

The following pilots are currently available :

Islas Baleares
Atlantic France
Channel Islands, Cherbourg Peninsula, North Brittany
Atlantic Spain and Portugal (7th ed – 8th ed imminent)
Baltic Sea and Approaches
Mediterranean Spain
Arctic and Northern Waters
Corsica and North Sardinia
South Biscay
North Africa
Atlantic Islands