DRAFT POLAR YACHT GUIDE for non-SOLAS pleasure yachts in Polar Waters

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DRAFT POLAR YACHT GUIDE for non-SOLAS pleasure yachts in Polar Waters
A voluntary code, ‘Polar Yacht Guide’ (PYG) has been drafted by a number of experienced high latitude sailors(2). PYG is in three parts: Part A addresses general issues concerning safety of navigation and voyage planning in both polar regions. It covers the same subjects as the IMO Polar Code chapters 9 and 11 but is written for smaller vessels. Part B gives specific guidance for yachts navigating in the Arctic. Part C is largely a reproduction of existing safety and environmental advice for yachts produced by the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat (ATS). The Polar Yacht Guide is being sponsored by World Sailing who are represented on the IMO working group considering this issue. World Sailing is proposing that education, in the form of specific yacht guidance, is likely to be more effective than legislation. Attached is a copy of the draft PYG. World Sailing would like to consult extensively with high latitude sailors and relevant maritime authorities before publishing it. Any comments or suggestions should be sent by email to polaryachtguide@rccpf.org.uk
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