Channel Islands, Cherbourg Peninsula & North Brittany

An RCCPF Pilot book for the area between St Vaast-La Hougue to Ile d'Ouessant

This revision of the RCC Pilotage Foundation's pilot updates the combined volume for this area which encompasses the Channel Islands and extends from St Vaast La Hougue on the east of the Cherbourg peninsula, and works westwards along the Normandy and Brittany coasts to Ouessant. Coverage includes the Plateau des Roches Douvres as well as detailed sections on the navigable rivers.

The navigator benefits enormously from the painstaking approach with which Peter Carnegie has documented his own explorations of these, his home waters. His numerous annotated photographs and the many accompanying charts detail the network of transits between the off-lying rocks and islands of the region. Waypoints are used judiciously to further inform, but the emphasis remains on time-proven and trusted methods of safe navigation in these waters of high tidal range and fast-moving currents.

The Channel Islands, Normandy and Brittany coasts can seem a daunting sailing area for those unaccustomed to their ways, but ‘Carnegie’s book provides reassurance and so much practical advice that anyone using it will feel confident of success.' (Yachting Monthly). It is the definitive pilot for anyone interested in the challenge of exploring the less frequently used passages and anchorages.

  • Edition: Rev1 2018
  • ISBN: 9781846239434
  • 42.50

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09/12/2021 Channel Islands etc Supplement No 2 2020

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16/05/2018Other Channel Islands etc Review by Jay Devonshire

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Channel Islands, Cherbourg Peninsula & North Brittany 2nd 2023A4 hard cover full colourEnglish